Many individual actions have a positive impact on physician health and wellness. We have highlighted a few here but encourage you to put together your own, personalized, self-maintenance toolkit. If you are experiencing concerning signs or symptoms, reach out for help.
- CMA Wellness Hub
- Check out our Guide to Staying Well During the Pandemic.
Seek or Provide Support
- Physicians value support from other physicians who have had similar types of experiences.
- Wellness Connection — Access does not require a CMA membership.
- Canadian Women in Medicine
- Start an informal peer support group to connect with peers: CMA Physician Wellness Peer Support Guide
- Take time away to reduce stress and burnout. Use a Locum Program to find coverage.
Self-screening | Self-awareness | Self-assessment
(These tools are not a substitution for talking to someone.)
Evidence indicates physicians have difficulty accurately assessing their own level of distress. In one study, the majority of surgeons with the lowest levels of well-being believed themselves to be at or above average levels.The use of tools can help you assess your own levels of distress or wellness and motivate behaviour change.
- Stanford Medicine WellMD – Test Yourself
- Kettering Health Network — Screen Your Well-Being for Physicians
- Dimensions: Work & Well-Being Toolkit for Physicians (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus). Note: This kit includes a values assessment that can help determine what will bring joy and meaning in work.
Search the Physician Wellness Hub’s Resource Centre for additional tools
Tools for ‘on the go’
- STOP — Stop, Take a breath, Observe your thoughts/emotions/body, Proceed (used in the Ottawa Hospital)
- What is my colour right now? Green, Yellow, Orange, Red. Adapted from Canadian Armed Forces by Drs. Kerri Ritchie & Caroline Gérin-Lajoie, The Ottawa Hospital
Financial Wellness
Doctors Manitoba Benefits & Insurance
Pandemic Financial Support