As a medical student, it’s important to be covered with Student Disability Insurance. If an unforeseen accident or illness causing a total disability occurred during your schooling, it could cause financial hardship. 

The Doctors Manitoba Student Disability Income Insurance Plan has your back. This coverage provides you with long-term income protection if you are unable to attend school as a student due to a Total Disability. This is a tax-free benefit. 

Who is eligible? 

If you are a Doctors Manitoba Student Member residing in Manitoba and enrolled in the faculty of medicine at the University of Manitoba, you are eligible for the Student Disability Income Insurance Plan. The insurance is issued to you regardless of your current health status and past medical history as long as you enroll within the Annual Enrollment Period. 

Disability Income

Choose up to:

  • $1,500 per month for 1st and 2nd year students, 
  • $2,500 per month for 3rd year students, and 
  • $4,000 per month for 4th year students. 

The benefit amount you choose will continue at that level during medical school. If you choose $1,500 and want to increase the monthly benefit at a later date, while still in medical school, medical evidence of good health would be required for the increased amount. 


  • Enroll between September 1 to October 31 each year
  • If you are a student, you may apply for coverage without providing medical evidence during this period
  • No pre-existing condition clauses exist to limit or exclude your disability claim
  • The elimination period (the time between when you become totally disabled and when your disability payments begin) is 90 days.
  • Optional benefits, including the Cost of Living Adjustment and Future Insurance Option, are available subject to evidence of good health.
  • Coverage will automatically convert to the PARIM plan when you graduate, if you match to Manitoba. The amount of coverage will be increased as needed to meet the minimum level required by PARIM

Plan Advantages

  • Coverage is not subject to proof of good health if you enrol during the open enrolment period
  • The plan is not-for-profit, so you could receive a credit against your future premiums if the total claims and expenses are less than the total premiums collected in any given year

Optional Riders (at additional costs)

The following riders are available to interested members. Evidence of good health is required to add an optional rider and an additional premium will be payable. 

Cost of Living Adjustment Rider

Provides an annual increase to your disability benefit based on the change in Consumer Price Index while you are receiving disability benefit payments. 

Future Insurance Option Rider

Provides the option to gradually purchase additional monthly disability insurance coverage as your income rises, without the need to submit satisfactory medical evidence of good health. 

Payment of Benefits

You are required to be under the care of a licensed physician while totally disabled. The availability of placement in medical school, accredited institute of learning or employment is not considered in assessments of disability. 

Total Disability

During the first two years of disability, you are considered totally disabled if you are unable to perform the regular and important duties of your occupation (your medical studies) due to sickness or injury, and are not engaged in any gainful occupation. 


Your benefits are not paid for disabilities occurring when or resulting from:

  • An act of war or insurrection
  • Intentional self-inflicted injury unless medical evidence establishes that the injuries are related to a mental health illness
  • During any period of imprisonment, or loss of standing to practice medicine due to disciplinary proceedings


You can find the Application for Student Disability on the Insurance Forms page. Contact us if you need any assistance with your application.

Explore resources for medical learners.

Explore PARIM insurance coverage.

Last updated
November 17, 2023