Resident physicians are invaluable members of Doctors Manitoba. Residents play a crucial role in nearly all Doctors Manitoba activities, setting the course for the current and future direction of the medical profession.
Doctors Manitoba is with you from your very first day of work at your PGME Orientation. We’ll walk you through what you need to know as you start the next step of your career. We’ll stand with you and commit to you that we’ll do everything we can to help you throughout your residency and beyond.
We offer a special Resident rate for membership to keep your costs down and more money in your pocket. This amount will be deducted from your pay throughout the academic year. Your membership in Doctors Manitoba includes full participation in Doctors Manitoba activities including voting on the Physician Services Agreement.
The Doctors Manitoba Board of Directors helps set the course for the medical profession throughout Manitoba. Residents are an important part of the decision-making. That’s why the Residents have a representative on the Board! Your voice matters.
As your residency nears completion, you’ll start thinking about what you need to do to prepare for practice. You’ll have questions and we’ll have the answers. We often hold seminars to teach you about how to transition from residency to practice so you can hit the ground running and to take advantage of tips from those that have gone before you.
As part of transitioning to practice, you may get presented with a contract for a new job or practice opportunity. Often we are able to provide you with advice about that contract and suggests areas to discuss.