Career Resources


Doctors Manitoba provides an opportunity to connect medical learners with personal and professional support from trained mentors to assist them in becoming practicing physicians.

Doctors Manitoba, in collaboration with the Manitoba Medical Students Association (MMSA) and the Professional Association of Interns and Residents of Manitoba (PARIM), and UGME Student Affairs has developed a Mentorship Program that we hope will benefit students, residents and practicing physicians. Participation as a mentor or mentee contributes to changing medical culture and will aid in bridging the gap between medical learners and practicing physicians.

Development has included consultations with medical learners and mentors, and other mentorship programs across Canada. You can expect:

  • A full-time Mentorship and Member Engagement Coordinator — Cynthia Okojie cokojie@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca — to provide ongoing support to the program
  • Comprehensive orientation and evaluation plans
  • Established connection expectations (23 times per year) for mentors and mentees
  • Doctors Manitoba will host a minimum of two mentorship events each year
  • Planned regular meetings with UGME and PGME Student Affairs to strengthen partnerships


Doctors Manitoba partners with CMA-Joule to develop tailored training programs for Doctors Manitoba Mentors.

Doctors Manitoba was pleased to offer four Physician Leadership Institute (PLI) courses to our members in 2023/2024 including Strength-based Leadership, Creating Healthy Work Culture through Trauma-Informed Leadership, Crucial Conversations in Healthcare and Leadership Strategies for Sustainable Physician Engagement.Information on the new lineup of PLI course offerings for 2024/25 coming soon.

Member Engagement Coordinator at cokojie@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca