
To stay focused on the priorities of our members, we are governed by a talented group of physician members elected to our Board of Directors.

Doctors Manitoba exists to strengthen and support the whole physician, so every physician has what they need to deliver exceptional care to Manitobans. 

Our organization is governed by a Board of Directors, elected by our membership. Guided by our new strategic plan, the Board sets the direction based on the priorities identified by members.

Learn more about our Board of Directors

There are several Board and Operational Committees to focus on areas of priority. These include:

Board Standing Committees:

  • Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will act on behalf of the Board as required to provide advice concerning operational matters to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), including information, oversight, and guidance on important strategic matters. The Executive Committee will bring recommendations for decision-making to the Board.

  • Governance and Human Resources: The Governance and Human Resources Committee reviews all matters related to governance, governance standards for Doctors Manitoba, as well as Board and committees’ membership, and ensuring oversight of organizational capacity. To advise the Board and make appropriate recommendations.

  • Finance, Audit and Risk: The Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee coordinates the Board of Directors financial oversight responsibilities by recommending policy to the Board, interpreting it for staff, and monitoring its implementation. In addition to providing Board oversight of Doctors Manitoba’s annual financial audit, the committee will also review and assess potential areas of organizational risk and develop mitigation strategies to address them.

Operational Committees:

  • Physician Health and Wellness: The Physician Health and Wellness Committee provides high-level guidance to the CEO for the continuing development, operation and evaluation of the Doctors Manitoba Physician Health and Wellness Program.

  • Insurance: The Doctors Manitoba Insurance Committee monitors the annual financial experience of each of the Doctors Manitoba Insurance Programs and provides recommendations for ongoing plan development.

  • Awards: The Awards Committee provides high-level guidance to the CEO for the continuing development, operation and evaluation of the Doctors Manitoba Physician Awards.

Complete Terms of Reference for Doctors Manitoba Committees are available upon request. Please contact general@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca.


Doctors Manitoba Constitution and By-Laws govern the operations of the Association. They are reviewed on a regular basis and updated as necessary. For a copy please see Doctors Manitoba By-Laws May 11, 2023 (PDF)