In today’s message you will find:
- Manitoba Election Underway
- Mentorship Program Recruiting Mentors
- Membership Renewal and Special Retention Payments
- Joan & Dean Sandham Scholarship in Indigenous Health Professional Leadership
- Meet last week’s Physician of the Week, Dr. Olabisi Mosuro and this week’s featured doctor, Dr. Joel Loiselle
- Health System Updates
- Upcoming Events
Manitoba Election is Underway
On Tuesday, the Manitoba provincial election officially got underway as the current legislature was dissolved by the Lieutenant Governor. Doctors Manitoba has been tracking health care issues and campaign announcements, following the release of our Prescription for Health Care, a seven-point plan with recommendations to stabilize and improve Manitoba’s health care system.
Our own public survey confirms that improving health care is, by far, the top issue on voters’ minds, so it’s no surprise it has been a primary focus by all parties, with a plethora of pledges made by the governing PCs led by Premier Heather Stefanson, the NDP led by Wab Kinew, and the Liberals led by Dougald Lamont.
What’s been promised so far?
The PCs, who have led the province since 2016, made a number of commitments to improve health care over the summer. These include:
- A $1.5 billion investment to rebuild the adult bed towers at HSC, and to expand the University’s Bannatyne campus.
- Investing in a specialized MRI for CancerCare and Adding a CT scanner in Swan River
- Adding 17 clinical psychologist positions to expand access to mental health care.
As the campaign kicked off, the PCs focused first on affordability, promising to cut the lowest provincial income tax bracket in half if re-elected and eliminate the land transfer tax for first-time home buyers.
Meanwhile, the NDP have emphasized health care in their campaign with a number of commitments:
- A $500 million plan on Sunday to addressing staffing shortages, including hiring 300 more nurses in Winnipeg and more in rural and northern Manitoba, along with adopting Doctors Manitoba’s recommendation of adding 400 more doctors over the next five years, plus 200 more paramedics.
- Re-opening 3 ERs in Winnipeg at Victoria, Seven Oaks and Concordia Hospitals, as well as the ER in Eriksdale. The hospital plans also include more hip and knee surgeries and a step-down unit at Concordia.
- Creating five neighbourhood clinics for minor injuries and illnesses, including four in Winnipeg and one in Brandon.
The NDP have also focused on affordability, committing to pause the provincial gas tax and freeze hydro rates.
The Liberals began their campaign by unveiling their plan for health care. This includes a shift to prevention with a health care home and family doctor for all, expanding medical training including a new program in Brandon, and fast-tracking licensure for foreign trained medical professionals. This week, the Liberals released their full platform, which included a commitment to work with Doctors Manitoba on more flexible pay models and on training and recruitment. It also includes a promise to cover psychologist services, expand PCH staffing, and building day cares by hospitals.
How do I vote?
Elections Manitoba has information on how to register to vote, and how to submit your vote. You must be an adult, Canadian citizen, and a resident of Manitoba or at least 6 months by election day, which is October 3. Advance voting will be available between September 23 and 30.
Mentorship Program is Recruiting Mentors
Doctors Manitoba, MMSA, PARIM, PGME and UGME Student Affairs are excited to be moving into a new year of the Medical Learner Mentorship Program. Recruitment for participants is ongoing and no previous mentoring experience is required. Residents and Practicing Physicians are invited to participate as mentors. The program offers a variety of support for participants including mentorship events and complimentary training through CMA-Joule! The program is an excellent way to build connections help those joining the profession.
Learn more about the program and register to participate.
Membership Renewal and Special Retention Payments
Most full members will be receiving a notice this week about membership renewals and how to claim your $21,000 Special Retention Payment. This one-time payment is open to all physicians holding a license with CPSM and full membership with Doctors Manitoba as of ratification day (August 14). If you believe you should be eligible but have not received a notice by next week, please contact us at membership@doctorsmanitoba.ca. It’s also time to renew your annual Doctors Manitoba membership. Your fees have been frozen at last year’s rate to avoid an increase while our members face escalating costs and inflation from other sources.
Joan & Dean Sandham Scholarship in Indigenous Health Professional Leadership
The Joan and Dean Sandham Scholarship in Aboriginal Health Professional Leadership is open to First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who have completed an undergraduate program in medicine or nursing and are pursuing further studies that will specifically enhance and develop their leadership skills. Learn more about the scholarship here. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023. Please submit to Ana.Aniban@umanitoba.ca
Physician(s) of the Week

Last week we featured Dr. Olabisi Mosuro as our Physician of the Week. Dr. Mosuro always wanted to become a physician. She has always played a caregiver role, having grown up the oldest of 5 children, and loves“helping people and making them feel better.” After her medical education in Nigeria, she worked in cardiac and respiratory rehabilitation in rural Saskatchewan before completing her Manitoba Licensure Program for International Medical Graduates (MLPIMG) in 2018. Dr. Mosuro practices in the Pas, caring for members of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation at Beatrice Wilson Health Centre. She feels a great sense of accomplishment when she can improve her patients’ quality of life. “Seeing the progress and improvement in my patients’ health brings immense satisfaction,” she says, adding“the trust they place in me to guide their medical decisions is both humbling and motivating.”

Colleagues are inspired by Dr. Joel Loiselle’s humane approach to patient care and say his compassion and kindness, “shine through with patients.” Dr. Loiselle feels privileged “to be allowed into people’s lives, even if sometimes it’s only briefly” and values the connections made over longer periods of time, like when helping patients with chronic pain. He finds meaning in and is rewarded by the work he does with palliative patients, when he is able to help both the patient and their family through such difficult times. He is a life-long, loyal, season ticket holding Saskatchewan Roughriders fan. He and his son manage to make it to half the home games each season. His colleagues have grown to accept and even forgive his allegiance, because, in their words, “to err is human.” He is thankful for their tolerance.
→ Suggest a colleague as Physician of the Week here.
→ Read Physician of the Week feature stories.
Health System Updates
Be Aware of Travel Disruptions for First Nation Patients
As reported in the media today, concerns are being raised about disruptions to air travel from remote First Nations. We have heard from Northern physicians asking their colleagues to be understanding of patients traveling from remote First Nations who are experiencing a high volume of travel disruptions right now. This includes waiving no-show fees, not labeling the patient in their file in a negative way for a missed appointment, and prioritizing patients for rescheduled appointments. Another consideration is ensuring patients have the office number to call if they are experiencing travel disruptions.
Research — Physicians Treating Low-Risk Cancers.
Due to increased screening, many more people are diagnosed with abnormal cells with a very low risk of ever turning into cancer that spreads. Many patients undergoing treatment for these abnormal cells believe they have clinically significant cancer, which causes anxiety and reduces quality of life. Little prior research has explored how to improve communication about abnormal cells so that patients can better understand their diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis. The study aims to identify ideal ways to name and discuss low-risk abnormal cells by asking patients and doctors about the names they prefer for abnormal cells of the breast, cervix, bladder or prostate, and the reason for those preferences.
Data will be collected from Canadian physicians who fall under these categories: general surgeon, surgical oncologist, medical or radiation oncologist, family physician, nurse practitioner, or other type of clinician, that sees patients with abnormal cells, sometimes referred to as Stage 0 or pre-cancer. Participates will need to read and sign an online consent form, participate in a single 20-minute interview asking your opinion
about labels and language for abnormal cells of the breast, cervix, bladder or prostate.
The research study is being conducted by Dr. Anna Gagliardi from the University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto with funding from the Canadian Cancer Society. If you are interested in participating or wish to learn more about the study, please contact the study coordinator at 416−340−4800 x6642 or Mavis.Lyons@uhn.ca.
Here are some of the most popular updates in recent newsletters, in case you missed them:
- CPSM Consultation on Prescribing Documentation Requirements
- Register for Physician Leadership Training
- Positive response to our Prescription for Health Care
- 125 New Medical Students — up from 110 in previous year
- Agreement Ratified — members approved the proposed Physician Services Agreement, replacing the last Master Agreement which expired in March 2023.
Upcoming Events
With summer winding down, the fall is filling up with events and professional development workshops and courses. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge, increase your awareness, or build leadership skills, we have many sessions planned!
- Register for one of our Physician Leadership Institute Courses.
- Register for an upcoming session or watch a recording of a past session in our Leadership for Equity: Expanding Inclusive Medical Culture series.
Events can always be found on our website in the events calendar. If you have an event you’d like to share with members and have included in our calendar, forward all the information to general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Unraveling the Threads of Colonization and Racism in Manitoba’s Healthcare — September 28 6:30 – 8p
Session 5 in our Leadership for Equity Series aims to empower physicians with a deeper comprehension of the intricate intersections between historical legacies, healthcare delivery, and the imperative for transformative change in support of health equity for Indigenous populations in Manitoba. It will explore the historical underpinnings of colonization and Indigenous-specific racism within the healthcare system, highlighting their enduring influence on the health of Indigenous communities. The session will emphasize the importance of physicians, as leaders in the healthcare system, learning to recognize the subtle yet impactful manifestations of these issues in healthcare and carrying this into application of practical strategies for fostering anti-racist and decolonizing practices.
Learning Objectives:
1. Gain insight into the historical background of colonization and racism within Manitoba’s healthcare system and how this continues to impact the health of Indigenous peoples.
2. Develop the ability to identify and understand how colonization and racism manifest in healthcare practices.
3. Acquire strategies to promote anti-racist and decolonizing approaches as leaders in healthcare settings.
Save the date for upcoming sessions in the series:
- October 24 – Kimani Paul-Emile, PhD
- November 30 – Dr. Nanky Rai, MD
Bug Day — Mark your calendars for the 2023 27th Annual Bug Day! — October 17 7:55am-4pm — Held Virtually.
Interested in the prevention and control of communicable diseases, and health issues in the community or healthcare setting? Bug Day is for you! Nationally and internationally recognized experts will present timely topics in infectious diseases and public health at Manitoba’s largest healthcare education event. Held every year during National Infection Prevention & Control Week, Bug Day is streamed online – it’s FREE, accredited, and you’re invited!
The program is accredited for physicians and can be used for continuing education purposes by other health care workers. There is no charge, but you must register to attend the live sessions. You can make a donation directly to the HSC Foundation Bug Day fund. Click here to visit the donation page. This donation page will automatically generate a confirmation email and a tax receipt. Register here.
Other Events
- Federation of Medical Women of Canada Conference — September 23 – 24 in Calgary
- Black Physicians of Canada Conference — October 12 – 15 — Toronto
- National Pancreas Conference — November 18 & 19 — In-Person (MTL) and virtual
- Crucial Conversations for Master Dialogue: Health Care — Fridays 2 – 4:30pm — Nov. 17 & 24 and Dec. 1, 8, & 15.