
If you would like to work in a provincial immunization clinic, you can submit your application through Shared Health.

To apply:

  • For physicians with an existing RHA appointment: Simply email physicianinfo@​sharedhealthmb.​ca with your name, preferred contact information and primary RHA and indicate you want to help with the immunization rollout.
  • For physicians without an existing RHA appointment: Complete this form and include your CMPA card and a void cheque for payments.
  • For non-registered physicians (e.g. retired): If you are not interested in renewing your license, you can be hired as an employee but must go through the lengthier application process, like other health professions.

We were informed that remuneration for physician immunizers will be paid at the sessional rate (e.g. $98.60/hour for GPs), with rural and northern premiums applied based on where the immunization work is located.

Please contact Doctors Manitoba with any questions or concerns at covid19@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca.