
This a second call for nominations to the position of Vice Chair for the Family Practice Executive. The Executive Committee meets approximately 2 or 3 times per year and members are provided with an honorarium for meetings. Travel expenses are paid to rural members.

The Vice Chair will become chair in 2025.

Nominations must be received by August 25, 2024


  1. Members of Doctors Manitoba who are in the Family Practice bloc are eligible to nominate and be nominated (click here to view the Members list).
  2. Rural refers to the area outside of Winnipeg, including Brandon.
  3. Terms of office shall commence after the Family Practice Annual General Meeting (usually held in mid September).
  4. Following the close of nominations, a mail ballot of the family Practice membership shall be conducted, should an election be required.
  5. Multiple nominations are accepted.

Nomination Form


I, the undersigned,


Nominee’s Name here

Please note that all nominations will be validated.

The deadline for nominations is August 23, 2024, at 4:30 pm

Last updated
July 25, 2024