Age Triggered Quality Audit
The CPSM requires all physicians to participate in a quality audit in the year they turn 75. More specific information about the audit can be found in the policy here.
The audit examines the following areas of risk:
- Physical performance
- Cognitive performance
- Psychological wellness
- Clinical knowledge or performance
- Patient safety
- Medico-legal implications/repercussions
The age for the audit will be reduced to 70, no later than 2030.

Effective January 1, 2019, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) has implemented the Quality Improvement (QI) Program under The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA). The Quality Improvement Program will incorporate a more robust review of physicians’ practices. The CPSM is mandated by legislation to supervise the practice of its members to help ensure safe care for Manitobans. The former Manitoba Physician Achievement Review (MPAR) Program which had been in place since 2010, was discontinued as of December 31, 2018.
Participants in the QI program are randomly selected into three different categories and then risk/protective stratification factors are applied. It has been recognized in the literature that there are factors associated with a physician and their practice which may put them at risk for poor performance, or which may be predictive of higher levels of performance. Analysis of these factors will help determine the category of review for some participants. Some participants will also be randomly selected for each category of review.
The program will operate on a seven-year cycle
Factors that pose risks to safe practice have been identified in the literature, and include:
- age, gender, solo practice, practice outside the area of training, lack of current and relevant CPD, concerning prescribing patterns for opioids and benzodiazepines, and a recent history of CPSM complaints. These factors may affect the type of review selected for a participant.