In today’s message you will find:
Top 40 Under 40 — Do you know an incredible physician, resident or medical student under the age of 40 who is making an impact? Nominate them to be recognized as one of Manitoba’s Top 40 under 40!
Administrative Burden Report — You can have your say and help set priorities by taking a short survey.
Getting Healthy - Learn about this fun campaign aimed at getting Manitobans to pledge to making small changes to impact their health.
Cancer Screening Updates — CancerCare Manitoba has advised there are big changes coming to colorectal cancer screening in Manitoba. Earlier this week, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health announced it was initiating an early review of its existing breast cancer screening guidelines in response to recent changes in the U.S.
Physician of the Week — Meet Dr. Hany Mansour, a rural family physician who committed to becoming a doctor to help people when he lost his mom to cancer at fifteen.
Happy Pride — Members will take part in Pride parades in Winnipegosis and Morden this weekend!
Health System Updates — Get updates on colorectal cancer screening, public health spring cleaning, breast screening guidelines, new sleep funding and addictions funding for the North.
ICYMI — Catch up on news from past member messages.
Top 40 Under 40
Do you know a medical student, resident or early career physician who is amazing? Nominate them for our special award – the Top 40 Under 40 in Medicine! This award is intended to recognize those with tremendous potential to soar and those with achievements and demonstrated excellence.
Check out the eligibility and the simple nomination form for the Doctors Manitoba Top 40 Under 40! Nominations are due by June 30.
This fall we will host an event to celebrate the Top 40 Under 40 physicians and medical learners in our province. Do you know an incredible physician or medical learner under the age of 40 who is making waves? We want to hear about them. Nominate them today.
Admin Burdens – Have Your Say
We are still looking for your feedback to help prioritize unnecessary administrative tasks for improvement.
Last week, the Joint Task Force to Reduce Administrative Burdens for Physicians submitted its first report to the Minister of Health and President of Doctors Manitoba. The report provides the first measurement of physicians’ administrative burden in Manitoba, identifies opportunities for improvement, and proposes an initial goal to reduce burdens on physicians.
Through physician consultation, the Task Force identified the top 20 most significant unnecessary administrative burdens facing doctors. The Task Force will work with the organizations identified as responsible for these burdens, along with the physicians impacted, to review, prioritize, and support improvement.
- Help Set the Priorities! Take this 3 – 5 minute survey to help prioritize which administrative tasks are targeted for improvement this year. You will be asked to prioritize from the top 20 administrative burdens identified by physicians that could be streamlined, eliminated or delegated. Physicians are now being asked to prioritize these, and they are invited to participate in improvement work.
Based on survey data collected by Doctors Manitoba, the Task Force estimates:
- Physicians spend 10.1 hours per week on administrative tasks on average, which adds up to 1.4 million hours per year.
- 44% of this time is unnecessary, equivalent to 633,000 hours per year or 1.9 million patient visits.
- Two Thirds of physicians indicated the time they spend on administrative tasks has increased over the last five years.
The Task Force has recommended an initial goal: reduce the time physicians spend on unnecessary administrative tasks by 10% in 2023. This would free up the equivalent of 63,000 hours of physician time per year, equivalent to 190,000 patient visits. With the support of the organizations responsible for unnecessary administrative burdens, the Task Force believes this could be achievable by December 2023.
GettingHealthy Campaign
Last week we launched a brand new public awareness campaign called Getting Healthy, and we’re looking to you to help spread the word! Manitobans are invited to visit GettingHealthy.ca, a new resource site with tips and advice from physicians on the simple steps Manitobans can take towards Getting Healthy. Plus, we’ve created a fun, positive contest with a chance to win fantastic prizes for any Manitoban who signs up to do one thing this month to get healthy, including physicians!
How can you help? Spread the word during the month of June by:
- Sharing the campaign on social media
- Adding the campaign to your practice or clinic website
- Take a photo of yourself doing something to get healthy and share it on social media or send it to us to share on social media. Any posts should encourage Manitobans to join you in getting healthy this month and invite them to enter our free contest at GettingHealthy.ca.
- Posting signs in your clinic or practice about the campaign.
- Talking about the campaign with your patients.
You can see sample posts and download images to use on this page. Posters have been sent out to dozens of clinics in the province, and should arrive in the next few days. You can request posters by contacting our office at general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
A big thank you to our Healthy Living Advisory Group of physicians for your input and advice on developing the campaign and the advice on the site. We welcome your feedback if you have suggestions or additions at general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
You can learn more about the campaign and how to spread the word here. Watch the campaign commercial here.
We received excellent coverage in the media, including:
- TV coverage on CBC, CTV and CityTV
- Online and print coverage on CBC, the Winnipeg Free Press and Winnipeg Sun.
Our hope is this campaign fills a real need for public awareness information about disease prevention and healthy lifestyles, while also reminding Manitobans that doctors care about their health and well-being.
Cancer Screening Updates
Colorectal Cancer Screening
CancerCare Manitoba has advised there are big changes coming to colorectal cancer screening in Manitoba.
Effective June 2023 (specific date to follow):
- The fecal immunochemical test (FIT) will replace the guaiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT) for colorectal cancer screening.
- Colorectal cancer screening tests will only be available through CancerCare Manitoba’s colorectal cancer screening program, ColonCheck. A new request form will be available for use and posted at www.cancercare.mb.ca/screening/hcp when ready.
- Management of all colorectal cancer screening tests will be provided by ColonCheck and Cadham Provincial Laboratory.
- Management of all follow-up testing will be done by ColonCheck.
Updates will follow when the change officially starts. Watch the CCMB Provider Page for Screening, and our newsletter, for updates.
Is your patient fit for FIT? An overview of fecal immunochemical testing for colorectal cancer screening in Manitoba
- Tuesday, June 20, 2023 from 12:00 – 1:00pm
- Join ColonCheck medical lead, Dr. Ross Stimpson and primary care provider, Dr. Ian Whetter, to learn how the colorectal cancer screening test (FIT) will change primary care practice. Registration is required.
- Click here to register and download a poster for your site.
Breast Screening Criteria Under Review
Earlier this week, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health announced it was initiating an early review of its existing breast cancer screening guidelines in response to recent changes in the U.S. Rather than reviewing the current advice in a couple of years as scheduled, the review should be complete this fall.
In the U.S., the guidance changed last month to suggest breast cancer screening should start at age 40 rather than 50. In Canada, including in Manitoba, the current age-50 guideline remains in place while the review is underway. The Task Force said “the primary goal of the guideline update is to ensure that Canadian recommendations reflect the latest knowledge and best practices. It’s important to note that recommendations from other countries should undergo proper review and scrutiny before being adopted for Canadians. This is particularly relevant when decisions are influenced by country-specific data, as seen in the recent US draft recommendations.” Preventive screenings, such as BreastCheck, should be driven by the evidence and balance the benefits and risks for patients.
CancerCare Manitoba emphasized that the current guidelines, available here under BreastCheck, remain in place and encouraged all physicians to remind patients age 50 and up to get screened. Patients in the age 40 – 49 range interested in screening should talk to their physician about their personal risk for breast cancer. Factors such as a significant family history of breast or ovarian cancer or a previous personal diagnosis of breast disease can increase an individual’s risk of breast cancer. Physicians can make referrals to diagnostic imaging centres using this form.
Physician of the Week

Dr. Hany Mansour lost his mom to cancer when he was 15 years old, and it motivated him to become a physician to“investigate patient’s issues and concerns, diagnose diseases early, prevent complications and improve outcomes for patients.” He feels privileged to get to know his patients and amazed by“the amount of trust that we gain as family physicians”. Never taking that trust for granted, he works hard to provide thorough, patient-centered care, stressing that“words can’t describe how rewarding our job is!” Patient Al Wilcott appreciates the time Dr. Mansour takes, never rushing through his appointments and says “Dr. Mansourlistens to his patients and makes them feel like they are part of the decision for their healthcare, and when treatment is outside of his expertise, he has no problem referring you to other professionals.”
→ Suggest a colleague as Physician of the Week here.
→ Read more about Dr. Mansour and about other Physicians of the Week here.
PRIDE month!
Pride runs the whole month of June and there are still PRIDE rallys and parades to attend or participate in. Doctors Manitoba will have members taking part in the Pride parades in Winnipegosis and Morden this weekend. Consider joining them if you live in the area!

Drag Brunch Connection event for 2SLGBTQIA+ Physicians, Residents and Medical Students — Saturday June 17 10:30am or 1:00pm
Doctors Manitoba in partnership with members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Student community would like to invite you to a connection event. Please join us on June 17th at either 10:30am or 1:00pm for one of two seatings for a Drag Brunch at Modern Electric Lunch! Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and network with other 2SLGBTQIA+ members of Doctors Manitoba. Seats are limited. Click here for more information and to register!
Health System Updates
Public Health – Spring Cleaning Vaccine Returns
Public health issued a notice earlier this week with a reminder to physicians to return expired or unusable vaccines. Manitoba may receive credit for expired vaccines, and funding can help purchase more vaccines in the future and support public health work. This is especially important for influenza vaccines. You can see the full notice here with instructions.
Applications Open for New Seniors Hearing Aid Program
Doctors may be interested in the following information to support patients. The province has created a new hearing aid program for seniors, and applications are now open. Manitobans aged 65+ with a net household income under $80,000 are eligible. Approved applicants can receive up to $2,000 for hearing aids, including fitting costs. More information is available here.
New Sleep Funding
The Diagnostic and Surgical Recovery Task Force is investing $1.8 million into a Sleep Disorder Centre proposal to expand sleep testing capacity with up to 200 at-home sleep tests per month over the next two years. The province is also extending and expanding a contract with Cerebra, a private sleep test provider to offer up to 120 at-home sleep tests per month. You can read more here.
Here are some recent updates, in case you missed it.
- We are looking for your advice to help shape our advocacy during the upcoming provincial election for a better health care system. Learn more and submit your views here.
- Recently, we let you know about the changes to the comprehensive virtual visit tariffs (8442 or 8447), with changes now taking effect July 4. You can get all the details here.
- CME Rebate Applications Open: Members should have received a message with a link to apply for their 2022 Continuing Medical Education Rebate. If you should be eligible and have not received this message, please contact our benefits team at benefits@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
- The Free Press published an opinion piece from our new President, Dr. Michael Boroditsky, about the challenges in family medicine and the solutions we are advocating for. Read it here!
- Meet our new President, Dr. Michael Boroditsky, and his priorities for his year at the helm.
- DRMB and Province Agree on Additional Supports including free access to Cortext secure messaging and reimbursing physicians for the CPSM license fee for two years. Details on how to apply for both will follow shortly.
Upcoming Events
Events can always be found our on website in the events calendar. If you have an event you’d like to share with members and have included in our calendar, forward all the information to general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Events of Note
Bug Day — Mark your calendars for 2023 27th Annual Bug Day! — October 17 7:55am-4pm — Held Virtually.
Interested in the prevention and control of communicable diseases, and health issues in the community or healthcare setting? Bug Day is for you! Nationally and internationally recognized experts will present timely topics in infectious diseases and public health at Manitoba’s largest healthcare education event. Held every year during National Infection Prevention & Control Week, Bug Day is streamed online – it’s FREE, accredited, and you’re invited!
The programme is accredited for physicians and can be used for continuing education purposes by other health care workers. There is no charge, but you must register to attend the live sessions. You can make a donation directly to the HSC Foundation Bug Day fund. Click here to visit the donation page. This donation page will automatically generate a confirmation email and a tax receipt. Register here.
DRMB Book Club! The Doctors Manitoba Physician Health and Wellness committee is excited to invite you to an opportunity for building connection and community in medicine. Join us for the second virtual meeting of the Doctors Manitoba Book Club on Monday, June 12th from 7:00 – 8:30pm. We will be reading the 2023 Canada Reads Finalist“Greenwood” by Michael Christie. We are thrilled to announce the author will be joining our virtual book club for a Q+A. There will also be a chance for the group to discuss the book and share thoughts. Register now!
Featured Events
UofS Anti-Racism Speaker Series: The Intersections of Race, Faith, and Queerness — June 13 12 – 1pm
Samra Habib (they/them), a Queer Muslim writer, photographer and activist and author of the best-selling and award-winning book We Have Always Been Here, will deliver a 30-minute presentation discussing how to be a 2SLGBTQ+ ally year-round, beyond Pride month; why it was important for them to connect with their faith as a queer person; and their use of photography as an accessible language to talk about intersectionality. Questions are welcome during the 30-minute Q+A portion!All professionals, students and members of the community are invited to join us! Registration is free. Learn more and register here.
Barriers to Mental Health & Addiction Treatment — June 15 11:00am
Examine mental health and addiction treatment types and options. Understand how location and finances can affect where you receive treatment. Discuss ways to over come obstacles and challenges when seeking treatment. Register now.