In today’s Message you will find:
- Meet our New President
- Nominations for Top 40 Under 40 are open!
- World Family Doctor Day
- Surgical and Diagnostic RFSAs Posted
- Physician of the Week
- Fantastic Physicians
- Health System Updates
- Health in the News
- Upcoming Events
Meet Our New President
Dr. Michael Boroditsky begins year as DRMB President
On Saturday, the chains of office were passed to Dr. Michael Boroditsky as he officially took over as President of Doctors Manitoba for 2023 – 24.
Surrounded by over 500 physicians and guests at the Annual Doctors Manitoba Gala, Dr. Boroditsky acknowledged the profession is facing challenges that feel bigger than ever.
“Doctors are struggling,” he explained. “Burnout and distress are at all-time highs. We feel under-appreciated and overworked. Many of us have felt pressure from all sides, with skyrocketing overhead costs, an increasingly complex health system and a growing complexity of patient needs. Some of us are losing hope, and that means losing our ability to meet each patient’s needs in the process.”
He pledged to push for the resources and supports physicians need to thrive in their work and deliver exceptional care to Manitobans.
“I commit to you to invest all my energy into our efforts at Doctors Manitoba to bring hope and joy back to your work,” he promised. “That will come when you are supported by the system with necessary resources, equitable opportunities for growth and learning, true collaboration, and a clear pathway to fulfillment.”
He also called on all physicians and medical learners to pull together and support each other in the weeks and months ahead.
“Coming out of the pandemic, there is an opportunity to improve the health care system, and it’s an opportunity we must all seize together. I want to emphasize that word, together, because we must support each other in the process. Understanding, empathy and unwavering hope as we stand united for better health care, must be our course of action going forward.”
Dr. Candace Bradshaw finished her term as President on Saturday as well, as she officially moves to Chair of the Doctors Manitoba Board of Directors and Past President.

“I am optimistic about the months ahead,” Dr. Bradshaw said. “I am confident our incoming President, Dr. Michael Boroditsky, will capably serve you and lead our profession during this critical period of change.”
Dr. Michael Boroditsky specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology and has been an ally and advocate for Women’s Health. He is also an Assistant Professor with the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences. In recent years, he has traveled abroad for medical relief mission wit the International Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders. Dr. Boroditsky is passionate about health and wellness, and enjoys spending time with his wife, Elizabeth, and their two daughters, Maddy & Emma.
Nominations Open for Top 40 Under 40

Nominations are now open for the Doctors Manitoba Top 40 Under 40! This special award was created for this year to recognize and celebrate exceptional medical students, residents and practicing physicians under the age of 40 who have made significant contributions in their field. This includes demonstrating excellence and commitment in areas such as clinical practice, research, education, leadership, advocacy and physician/learner well-being. Nominations are due by June 30.
This fall we will host an event to celebrate the Top 40 Under 40 physicians and medical learners in our province.
Do you know an incredible physician or medical learner under the age of 40 who is making waves? We want to hear about them. Nominate them today.
Newest Doctors Graduate from Medicine
UM hosted its annual convocation today for graduates of the College of Medicine.
A special congratulations to graduate Dr. Jayelle Friesen-Enns who received the Doctors Manitoba Award today.
The Max Rady College of Medicine Class of 2023 includes 106 graduates. Of these, 77 will complete their residencies in Manitoba. The class includes nine students of Indigenous ancestry and three French-speaking students who are graduating in the college’s bilingual stream. About 40% of the graduating class are from rural Manitoba or have rural attributes.
Watch this video of graduate Tegan Turner, who graduated today and will pursue a residency in emergency medicine in Manitoba.
A Message on World Family Doctor Day
From Doctors Manitoba President Dr. Michael Boroditksy
Happy World Family Doctor Day! Normally, this is a day we would spend celebrating the invaluable contributions made by family physicians. However, this year we must acknowledge and commit to addressing the unprecedented challenges you are facing.
In Friday’s Winnipeg Free Press, you will see an op ed from us at Doctors Manitoba to raise awareness about the challenges family physicians are facing, the shortage of family doctors in Manitoba, and the need for urgent action to get you the supports and resources you need in your practice.
Doctors Manitoba has consulted broadly with family physicians about the challenges you face in your practice and the types of supports and resources you need to thrive in your work. This includes a series of town halls held earlier this Spring. We are currently negotiating for a new Master Agreement with the government and we are pushing for significant investments and new types of resources and tools to support longitudinal family practice.
So on World Family Doctor Day, we want to say thank you to all family physicians for your expertise and the dedication to excellence you demonstrate each and every day. We also want to share our appreciation for all of the feedback and ideas you’ve sent to us about addressing the crisis in family medicine, to increase the joy and fulfillment in your work.
Warm regards,
Dr. Michael Boroditsky
You can follow the recognition for family doctors online with the Manitoba College of Family Physicians. Watch their social media throughout the day! Twitter | Facebook
Surgical and Diagnostic RFSAs Posted
The Manitoba government has posted two requests for supply arrangements (RFSA) for surgical and diagnostic capacity. Both are due by 5PM on May 30.
Submissions can be sent by physicians who work in independent clinics or facilities. If you work in an RHA or Shared Health facility, bring your proposal to the CMO or COO of the facility as the submission needs to be sent from the facility owner or operator.
If you do submit or support a proposal, please let us know by emailing practiceadvice@doctorsmanitoba.ca to help with our ongoing monitoring and advocacy on behalf of physicians.
Diagnostic Capacity RFSA
The province is looking for capacity in a number of diagnostic areas, including but not limited to:
- Bone density scans
- Echocardiograms (outside of Wpg)
- Holter monitoring
- Pulmonary function
- Sleep disorder (including pediatric)
- Surgical pathology including cytology
Other procedures will be considered as well, as long as a diagnostic procedure has a pandemic backlog that can be measured and demonstrated.
You can access the documents on the tender website Merx at this link. A free account is required to access the documents. We have downloaded copies if you’d like to request them from us by emailing general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Surgical Capacity RFSA
The province is looking for capacity in a number of diagnostic areas, including but not limited to:
- Pediatric – general surgery, ENT, dental/oral)
- Outpatient spine procedures
- Adult ENT
- Adult General Surgery
- Bariatrics
- Outpatient gynecological procedures
- Outpatient orthopedic surgery
- Outpatient plastic surgery
- Urology
- Vascular varicose veins
Other procedures will be considered as well, as long as a surgical procedure has a pandemic backlog that can be measured and demonstrated
You can access the documents on the tender website Merx at this link. A free account is required to access the documents. We have downloaded copies if you’d like to request them from us by emailing general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Background Information
Last week, we provided an update on the RFSA process used by the Diagnostic and Surgical Recovery Task Force with background information on how the process works and the opportunities for physicians to submit proposals for additional capacity. You can review that update here.
Physician of the Week

Born and trained in South Africa, Dr. Gavin Roche is an exceptional physician with a diverse medical career spanning over three decades in Minnedosa and Winnipeg. As a Family Physician at the Assiniboine Clinic, he practices 70% general medicine and 30% plastic surgery, showcasing his versatility and adaptability. Dr. Roche’s genuine passion for his craft is evident in the strong relationships he forms with his patients, earning their trust and loyalty. With unwavering professionalism and a compassionate spirit, Dr. Gavin Roche has left an indelible impact on the lives of his patients, colleagues, and community. His journey serves as an inspiration, and his contributions continue to shape the medical landscape with compassion and excellence.
→ Read more about Dr. Roche here.
→ Suggest a colleague as Physician of the Week here.
→ Read about other Physicians of the Week so far this year here.
Fantastic Physicians
Congratulations to Dr. Richard Smith, who has been chosen to receive the order of Manitoba. Dr. Smith is a Manitoba family physician who has dedicated most of his 52-year professional career to saving lives and advocating for those impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Manitoba. He is a leader in the provision of clinical excellence to people often ostracized for their sexual orientation or lifestyle, and established the Village Clinic, which eventually became the Nine Circles Community Health Centre.
Health System Updates
Infant formula shortage update
MB Health has updates on the infant formula shortage. You can use the following resources to help you counsel parents and families.
- Health Canada’s webpage dedicated to the infant formula shortage. This webpage includes tips on how to switch from one formula brand to another.
- An infant formula summary sheet prepared by Alberta Health Services.
The Healthy Parenting Winnipeg website has an article on the infant formula shortage that is regularly updated as more information about supply and access is available. If you have questions, please contact Population.PublicHealth@gov.mb.ca for more information.
Newcomer Immunization Records
MB Health has created a new website where individuals who are new to Manitoba can submit their immunization records. Individuals can submit their immunization records from outside of Manitoba once they are registered with Manitoba Health and have a Personal Health Information Number (9 digits) that is found on their Manitoba Health Card. To submit or update an immunization record, a person will be required to provide:
- Their Manitoba Personal Health Information Number (PHIN) that is found on their Manitoba Health Card. (If they don’t have a PHIN, they can call Registration and Client Services at 204−786−7101 or Toll-free 1 – 800-392‑1207.)
- An image of their official immunization record (for example, an immunization card or record from a physician’s office) showing the details of the immunizations they received.
- Their personal contact information.
These immunization records will be validated and entered into Manitoba’s Immunization Registry, enabling health care providers to determine which immunizations a person may still need to be fully protected against vaccine preventable diseases based on Manitoba’s Immunization Schedules. This can also prevent people from obtaining duplicate immunizations. Read all the details from MB Health here. Patients can access the Immunization Records Matter site here.
The Cadham Provincial Lab has a client survey for physicians who use their services.
2023 Canadian Conference on Physician Health — Call for Abstracts
Showcase your work at the Canadian Conference on Physician Health (CCPH), taking place in Montréal, QC from Nov. 3 – 4, 2023. This year’s conference theme is: Working together to build a sustainable and fulfilled health workforce. Submissions for posters, oral, workshop and panel presentations are due June 1, 2023. Submit your abstract now. Stay tuned for more details on the conference program and registration.
Health in the News
We’ve curated this week’s top stories to help you stay up to date on health care in Manitoba.
- Manitoba reimbursing doctors for licensing fees • CTV News • May 12
- Doctors to be reimbursed fees to tune of $13M • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Carol Sanders • May 12
- 15-storey health-care tower with primary-care clinic, new Pan Am clinic slated for Portage Place • CBC Manitoba • Bartley Kives • May 12
- Pain clinic backlog delays treatment for existing patients • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Katie May • May 18
- Doctor’s comments deemed ‘disrespectful’ • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Katrina Clarke • May 15
- Allied health workers bring contract talk frustration to legislature • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Tyler Searle • May 17
- HSC seeks new ER medical director • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • May 16
- Decrease in nurses began before pandemic, NDP says • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Carol Sanders • May 16
- Hip, knee replacements on slow rise • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Danielle Silva • May 16
- Project looks to improve access to cancer care in Métis citizens living in rural, remote areas • The Winnipeg Sun • Journalism Initiative • May 15
- MDs confirm grave state of Manitoba’s health care • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Tom Brodbeck • May 12
- Rural docs want national standards on patient transport • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Katie May • May 13
- Health-care injury, illness claims increase • Winnipeg Free Press (Print Edition) • Danielle Silva • May 12
Here are some of our top recent posts, in case you missed them:
- DRMB and Province Agree on Additional Supports including free access to Cortext secure messaging and reimbursing physicians for the CPSM license fee for two years. Details on how to apply for both will follow shortly.
- Last week we told you about the Surgical Diagnostic Task Force Update.
- Shared Health will begin collecting patients’ race, ethnicity, or Indigenous identity in hospitals.
- Unnecessary Administrative Burdens
- CMA Invite on Reconciliation
Upcoming Events
Events of Note
DRMB Book Club! The Doctors Manitoba Physician Health and Wellness committee is excited to invite you to an opportunity for building connection and community in medicine. Join us for the second virtual meeting of the Doctors Manitoba Book Club on Monday, June 12th from 7:00 – 8:30pm. We will be reading the 2023 Canada Reads Finalist“Greenwood” by Michael Christie. We are thrilled to announce the author will be joining our virtual book club for a Q+A. There will also be a chance for the group to discuss the book and share thoughts. Register now!
Leadership for Equity: Expanding Inclusive Medical Culture virtual speaker series
On May 23, we will be hosting Dr. Heidi Janz for her session on Ableism in Healthcare. This session will introduce learners to the concept of ableism, that is disability prejudice and discrimination, as endemic to society as a whole, and to healthcare in particular.
Click here for more information, and to register for the session.
Recordings are available of the first two sessions in the series:
View a recording of Intent, Harm & Action with Dr. Saroo Sharda here.
View a recording of 2SLGBTQ+ Health with Dr. Julia Chronopolous here.
Featured Events
PRIDE — Join us on Sunday, June 4 as we walk in the 2023 Winnipeg Pride Parade!
Doctors Manitoba staff and members will be participating in the 2023 Pride Parade to celebrate the diverse community that supports 2SLGBTQ+ people.
Beginning at Memorial Park across from the Manitoba Legislature, Pride Winnipeg will be holding its pride rally. The parade will begin at 11am and the route will go down Portage Ave, and end at the Forks. We are inviting you, your friends and family to join us as we walk the parade route to celebrate and support the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Register here.