In today’s message:
GOLF!!! There are a few spots left!
There are a few spaces left for our Getting Healthy Golf tournament this Tuesday (September 5). Please register before 10AM tomorrow (Friday). Teams or individuals can register here.
This is going to be a fun event at a première golf course with tonnes of prizes and opportunities to connect with your colleagues. Contests include both fun and skills-based contests for both the novice and avid golfers.
Key prizes and giveaways include:
- A chance to win a Land Rover Defender (or $125,000 toward a Land Rover or Jaguar vehicle), in a hole-in-one contest sponsored by MD Financial and Scotiabank.
- Fun and games hosted by sponsor Bokhaut CPA with Jets tickets and Golf Town gift cards as prizes.
- A swag bag for all participants!
- Prizes and samples from Patent 5 Distillery.
- $100 Gift cards for each player on the winning team, along with tickets to Rumours Comedy Club.
- Beer samples, Sobr Market samples, sliders, and ice cream.
- A Getting Healthy fun challenge with great prize packs for members of the winning team.
- And more!
The $190 Registration Fee includes:
- 18 holes of golf on the Championship Golf Course
- Bag drop service and Power Cart
- Access to driving range, practice area, and locker room and member pricing on golf shop merchandise
- Lunch sponsored by Canada Life and Dinner sponsored by Manulife
Don’t miss this chance to connect with colleagues and win some great prizes. Register now.
The tournament is proudly presented by MD Financial and Scotiabank with support from Bokhaut CPA!
CPSM Consultation on Prescribing
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) has launched a consultation on two draft documents: A Standard of Practice about prescribing requirements and a Practice Direction about the electronic transmission of prescriptions. You can read more about the consultation here.
Currently, physician prescribing requirements are set out in various Standards of Practice and Practice Directions. A working group recommended consolidating these requirements into a new Standard, and taking that opportunity to update “the content of these documents to reflect better prescribing practices.” CPSM has provided an overview of the draft revisions and links to the full drafts here.
In addition to consolidating and simplifying the practice requirements, CPSM is also exploring implementing verbal prescriptions for M3P drugs in limited circumstances. The College is also seeking feedback on potential changes about requiring either a clinical indication, treatment goal and/or diagnosis on all prescriptions. Three options are offered, including whether this new information should be required for all prescriptions, required for only new and “off-label” prescriptions, or only a recommended practice rather than required. It appears that this is something the College of Pharmacists has recommended to better support pharmacists in fulfilling prescriptions. CPSM states that only Quebec requires an indication for new prescriptions.
We have heard from several physicians concerned that a new requirement to document additional information on prescriptions is not only unnecessary but would also create a significant new administrative burden. Doctors Manitoba is preparing a response on this consultation, and we welcome your input and views. We also encourage you to send your views directly to CPSM. Please send us your concerns in confidence, or please copy us on your submission to CPSM if you would like, to help us in crafting our response. You can send or copy us at practiceadvice@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Here are some of the most popular updates in recent newsletters, in case you missed them
- Register for Physician Leadership Training
- Our Mentorship Program is recruiting mentors!
- Positive response to our Prescription for Health Care
- 125 New Medical Students — up from 110 in previous year
- Agreement Ratified — members approved the proposed Physician Services Agreement, replacing the last Master Agreement which expired in March 2023.
Upcoming Events
With summer winding down, the fall is filling up with events and professional development workshops and courses. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge, increase your awareness, or build leadership skills, we have many sessions planned!
- Register for one of our Physician Leadership Institute Courses.
- Register for an upcoming session or watch a recording of a past session in our Leadership for Equity: Expanding Inclusive Medical Culture series.
Events can always be found on our website in the events calendar. If you have an event you’d like to share with members and have included in our calendar, forward all the information to general@doctorsmanitoba.ca.
Unraveling the Threads of Colonization and Racism in Manitoba’s Healthcare — September 28 6:30 – 8p
Session 5 in our Leadership for Equity Series aims to empower physicians with a deeper comprehension of the intricate intersections between historical legacies, healthcare delivery, and the imperative for transformative change in support of health equity for Indigenous populations in Manitoba. It will explore the historical underpinnings of colonization and Indigenous-specific racism within the healthcare system, highlighting their enduring influence on the health of Indigenous communities. The session will emphasize the importance of physicians, as leaders in the healthcare system, learning to recognize the subtle yet impactful manifestations of these issues in healthcare and carrying this into application of practical strategies for fostering anti-racist and decolonizing practices.
Learning Objectives:
1. Gain insight into the historical background of colonization and racism within Manitoba’s healthcare system and how this continues to impact the health of Indigenous peoples.
2. Develop the ability to identify and understand how colonization and racism manifest in healthcare practices.
3. Acquire strategies to promote anti-racist and decolonizing approaches as leaders in healthcare settings.
Save the date for upcoming sessions in the series:
- October 24 – Kimani Paul-Emile, PhD
- November 30 – Dr. Nanky Rai, MD
“Leadership Lessons I Learned the Hard Way” — CWIM — PRN Social Event — September 6, 7 – 10pm — Winnipeg Art Gallery
Learn and connect with like-minded female physicians and discuss mentorship!
- Conversation with The Honorable Flordeliz (Gigi) Osler, MD, FRCSC, ICD.D
- Leadership Lessons I Learned the Hard Way
- Drinks & Appetizers to be provided.
- $20 for CWIM members, $40 for non-members.
Bug Day — Mark your calendars for 2023 27th Annual Bug Day! — October 17 7:55am-4pm — Held Virtually.
Interested in the prevention and control of communicable diseases, and health issues in the community or healthcare setting? Bug Day is for you! Nationally and internationally recognized experts will present timely topics in infectious diseases and public health at Manitoba’s largest healthcare education event. Held every year during National Infection Prevention & Control Week, Bug Day is streamed online – it’s FREE, accredited, and you’re invited!
The program is accredited for physicians and can be used for continuing education purposes by other health care workers. There is no charge, but you must register to attend the live sessions. You can make a donation directly to the HSC Foundation Bug Day fund. Click here to visit the donation page. This donation page will automatically generate a confirmation email and a tax receipt. Register here.
Other Events
- Federation of Medical Women of Canada Conference — September 23 – 24 in Calgary
- Black Physicians of Canada Conference — October 12 – 15 — Toronto
- National Pancreas Conference — November 18 & 19 — In-Person (MTL) and virtual
- Crucial Conversations for Master Dialogue: Health Care — Fridays 2 – 4:30pm — Nov. 17 & 24 and Dec. 1, 8, & 15.