
Psychotherapy tariff 8581 allows physicians to bill for mental health related support provided to their patients. These tariffs are eligible to bill as a result of discussions had at a previous visit. Alternatively, as a distinct service provided as required due to immediate need preceding a regular visit.

Claims of Tariff 8581 — Individual Psychotherapy must be for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 90 minutes per patient per day. The tariff also stipulates under Note 3 that: 

Where psychotherapy sessions with a patient extend beyond two and one-half (2.5) hours in any seven (7) day period, a written report is required (emphasis added).

This does not mean that 2.5 hours per single patient is the maximum claimable in seven days. But it does mean you must provide additional information about the patient’s condition. Manitoba Health has advised that for the written report, remarks on the claim concerning the patient’s complexity and diagnosis are sufficient — e.g., Over 2.5 hours due to increased suicide risk.”

Virtual Psychotherapy may be claimed under tariff 8655

Last updated
July 17, 2024