
There is now a permanent remuneration structure for eConsultation, recognizing both the referring and e‑consultant physician. eConsultation was introduced to facilitate obtaining recommendations from a designated e‑consultant for the treatment and management of a patient.

Digital Shared Services manages two different platforms for eConsults: BASE and Store and Forward:

Expand below to review details and requirements about each tariff:

eConsultation - Referring Physician $28.15

1) A visit or consultation may be claimed on the same day as tariff 8628.

eConsultation - Consultant (15 minutes) $61.20

This tariff is claimable by the consultant responding to an eConsultation request, payable per fifteen minutes or portion thereof.


  1. Tariff 8627 includes review of the specific medical request and any accompanying diagnostic data and communication to the referring physicians with recommendations as to treatment and management of patient.
  2. Response must be provided within seven days of request.
  3. A visit or consultation by the consultant may not be claimed on the same day as Tariff 8627
  4. Limited to physicians participating in a recognized Provincial eConsultation service.
  5. Rules of Application 710 do not apply
Last updated
July 17, 2024