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Input Sought for New Compounding Policy 

Manitoba Health is considering changes to the drug plan coverage framework for compounded products in Manitoba, with feedback due by February 6

WHY IT MATTERS: Manitoba reportedly has the broadest coverage of all the provinces. A jurisdictional scan by Manitoba Health revealed some concerns they are seeking to address.

CONTEXT: Compounding is the process where a medication is either not commercially available or when a particular commercially available medication is not suitable for a patient. A pharmacist can create or alter the medication to make it appropriate for the patient’s needs. For example, if the patient has difficulty swallowing, the medication may be converted into an injectable or transdermal for skin absorption.

WHY IT MATTERS: The changes are intended to help providers by ensuring the contents of compound medications are known by the health care provider. Currently, these medications may come with compound eligible” without knowledge of what non-medicinal product was combined with the medication. One stated goal of this process is improved patient safety by improving the information available to the provider.

WHAT’S NEXT: If you prescribe or have patients using compounded products and have any concerns, submit your feedback or questions to: NIBOperations@​gov.​mb.​ca with the subject line Compounding Reimbursement Framework and copy Doctors Manitoba at practiceadvice@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca. The deadline to reply is Thursday, February 6.

Become a Volunteer Patient

Do you want to make a meaningful difference in medical education? Help train the next generation of health-care professionals at the University of Manitoba by becoming a volunteer patient. As a volunteer patient, you’ll assist medical students during training sessions where they’ll practice essential clinical skills in a supervised environment.

To learn more or to sign up, contact UGMEpatientpartners@ uman​i​to​ba​.ca