Free Birth Control
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Free birth control coverage starts October 1.
The Manitoba government has introduced the Manitoba Prescription Birth Control Program, which cover 100% of the costs for prescription contraceptives for Manitoba residents starting October 1, 2024. For physicians, the process does not change, other than informing patients that their prescribed birth control is now covered by the provincial program.
WHAT’S COVERED? The program covers a number of contraceptive pills, as well as intrauterine devices (IUDs), hormone implants. and contraceptive injections. The full list of the products that are eligible can be found here. The products are covered, even if they are used for non-contraceptive use (e.g. POCS, menstrual management, etc.).
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Anyone with a Manitoba Health Card is eligible for the new program. The program covers the cost, if not already 100% covered through existing federal or provincial drug programs. Unlike Pharmacare, no application is required.
HOW DOES IT WORK? Physicians continue to write a prescription. You should be aware of what products are covered to ensure your advice to the patient is consistent with the new program. The patient fills the prescription at the pharmacy. If you prescribe an IUD, implant or injection, the patient will arrange a follow up visit and return with the product to have it inserted/administered.
The program covers one dispensing fee every three months for oral contraceptive pills, and one dispensing fee per month for non-oral contraceptive pill medications.
- Information for the public about the birth control program is posted here.
- Information for health care professionals will be posted by the implementation date here.
- Memo to Physicians from Manitoba Health is available here.
“This will ensure that all Manitobans in need will have access to reliable contraception and secures their ability to make a reproductive life plan. This program represents renewed choice and opportunity for so many of my patients, and removes a tremendous barrier to adequate health care and gender equity.”