Dr. Ken Hahlweg Honoured by Doctors Manitoba
—Special Award recognizes Dr. Hahlweg’s bravery during violent attack.
Earlier today, Doctors Manitoba presented a Special Award for Bravery to Dr. Ken Hahlweg for his heroic role in disrupting a knife attack on a nursing colleague last month at Seven Oaks General Hospital.

“People become physicians to heal and to save lives through medicine, but none of us expect to do so by intervening during a violent attack,” said Dr. Candace Bradshaw, President-Elect of Doctors Manitoba, as she presented the special award. “Dr. Hahlweg responded selflessly and without hesitation during an attempt to harm a fellow health care worker, and his actions likely saved the life of his colleague. He is brave, and he is a hero.”
Dr. Bradshaw also recognized the contributions of other physicians and health care workers who provided life-saving care in the moments after the attack.
“Thank you to Doctors Manitoba for this special award,” said Dr. Hahlweg, a family physician and the Medical Lead at the Northern Connection Medical Centre located at Seven Oaks. “I happened to be in the right place at the right time. When I saw someone’s life was in immediate danger, I reacted based on instinct and I thank my training as a physician that allowed me to act.”

The incident occurred on Wednesday October 27 in the early afternoon. After hearing some commotion near the entrance, he saw his nursing colleague being attacked with a large knife. Dr. Hahlweg tackled the assailant and chased him out of the hospital where he was arrested by police. The attacker has since been charged with one count of attempted murder, as well as two counts of murder connected with deaths earlier that day.
The Special Award for Bravery is a unique honour created by Doctors Manitoba to recognize this unique act of heroism undertaken by a physician. This special award complements Doctors Manitoba’s annual awards, the highest honours bestowed upon physicians, by physicians, in Manitoba.