
While all of us are ready for the pandemic to be over, it is important for Manitobans to be cautious a little longer to protect our hospitals, and to ensure we don’t slide backwards and end up making this Omicron wave last even longer. 

Doctors strongly recommend for all Manitobans to continue following public health COVID-19 guidance even if it is no longer reflected in a government restriction. We also strongly recommend all eligible Manitobans to get vaccinated including a booster shot. Only about 40% of all Manitobans have received their third dose, which is much lower than countries like Denmark and the UK that are lifting restrictions.

We have been through so much together over the past two years, and doctors remain here for you to listen and to help. We want the very best for our patients in terms of their physical and mental health. We want to protect our precious resources in terms of hospital capacity today, and into the future. We want those waiting for surgery and diagnostic procedures to get the help they need as soon as possible. We will get through this pandemic, and we will get there faster by being cautious and by supporting and protecting each other.