Apply to Manitoba Health to offer the COVID-19 vaccine

You can now apply to Manitoba Health to offer the COVID-19 vaccine!
Physicians have been keen to support the immunization rollout, with 82% of family physicians and 30% of specialists expressing an interest in offering the vaccine in their practice in a recent Doctors Manitoba survey.
Last month, Doctors Manitoba recommended planning for clinic-based immunizations early, to ensure physicians are ready. Over the last several weeks, provincial officials have engaged Doctors Manitoba, the Manitoba College of Family Physicians (MCFP), the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) and pharmacy organizations to plan for delivering the vaccine in clinics and pharmacies.
The Provincial Vaccine Implementation Task Force is accepting applications from medical clinics interested in offering the COVID-19 vaccine.
We recommend applying as soon as possible. Applications are also being accepted from pharmacies. The province will distribute vaccine to clinics and pharmacies based on a number of factors, such as epidemiology in local communities, capacity to administer the vaccine, and overall availability in local communities across multiple sites.
Only one application form per clinic is needed, so all physicians in the clinic who are considering participating must apply together. Applying does not obligate a clinic or physician to participate.
What’s Expected of Participating Clinics?
There will be administrative and reporting requirements beyond what is in place for other vaccines. Clinics that agree to offer the COVID-19 vaccine will be required to:
- Verify patients meet current provincial eligibility requirements
- Offer the vaccine to anyone, not only patients on your roster
- Ensure patients remain for 15 minutes of observation and report any adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) to the province
- Comply with provincial requirements to store and maintain vaccine supplies
- Submit claims within 48 hours (two business days) following each dose
- Submit weekly reports to the province on vaccine inventory (stock, usage and wastage), as well as a listing of patients immunized with eligibility demographics
Clinics are asked to appoint a single clinic vaccine coordinator or contact person.
A new tariff will be established to remunerate physicians $20 per dose.
This covers the injection, as well as verifying eligibility and obtaining patient consent. The COVID immunization tariff is higher than the $10.65 physicians receive for each flu shot, recognizing the additional administrative requirements.
Doctors Manitoba will provide additional billing guidance to participating clinics before you start immunizing patients.
Timing and Additional Details
The timing of launching clinic and pharmacy immunization is dependent on Health Canada approval of a new vaccine product. Provincial officials have confirmed that the current Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will not be offered in clinics at this time due to the ultra-cold storage requirements and sensitivity to movement.
Instead, clinics and pharmacies will likely receive the Oxford-AstraZeneca product, which can be stored in a refrigerator. This vaccine could be approved as early as this week by Health Canada. While this product is more flexible, it is still more sensitive than flu shots and all doses in a vial must be used within a short time. Clinics must be prepared to organize immunizations to minimize wastage of vaccine doses.
The AstraZeneca vaccine still requires two doses, so it will be important that you have capacity to follow up and ensure patients receive their second injection.
How do we apply?
One application form per medical clinic is required. All physicians in a clinic must apply together.
To apply:
- Review the COVID-19 Vaccine Program Requirements
- Complete the COVID-19 Program Registration eForm for Medical Clinics and submit to provincial government
- After submitting the e‑form, please email Doctors Manitoba at to indicate you have submitted a registration, along with the name of your clinic and the name email address and phone number for your contact person.
We recommend emailing Doctors Manitoba when you submit your form so we are in a better position to support your participation in the vaccine rollout. You will receive updates, including billing guidance, webinars and other resources, which are currently being developed by Doctors Manitoba, MCFP and CPSM.
You can learn more about the provincial plans and expectations for rolling out the vaccine in clinics and pharmacies on the provincial vaccine website. We recommend you review this site, including the Q&A. You can also review this memo to physicians from the provincial government’s Vaccine Implementation Task Force.
Please contact Doctors Manitoba with any questions at