
Since 2012, tariffs for Chronic Disease Management (CDM) have been available for all family physicians. Furthermore, since 2017, family physicians with an EMR can claim new Comprehensive Care Management tariffs (CCM).

Questions & Answers

Do I require an EMR to claim these tariffs?


What if I do not use an EMR?

You may continue to claim CDM tariffs. If you do not have an EMR but are interested, we recommend you review the information posted at the Shared Health website or contact their Primary Care Community Information Systems (PCIS) Office at (204) 9263842 or email pcisoffice@​sharedhealthmb.​ca

Is my billing software alone sufficient to claim these tariffs?


Does the EMR have to be certified by Manitoba Health/​e‑Health?


Does my EMR require specialized programming or modifications?

Possibly, you should check with your EMR Vendor.

Why do I need an EMR?

The documentation of patient enrollment and communication of services provided to Manitoba Health through an EMR is a requirement of the tariffs.

What is required to enroll patients?

Discussion between the patient and physicians confirming the physician and her/​his team is the patient’s most responsible primary care provider and document enrollment.

Does the patient have to sign a form to confirm enrollment?


If my patient seeks episodic care elsewhere, such as a walk-in clinic, will I still be able to claim CCM?


What ICD code do I use for Tariffs 8456 (2 diseases) and 8458 (3 diseases)?

Use any 1 of the specified ICD codes that you are providing care for on that patient, e.g., Asthma, Diabetes.

Last updated
November 5, 2024