
Certain tariffs in the Physician’s Manual may only be claimed by physicians with specific credentials, training or experience. For many tariffs (e.g., visit page tariffs), the physician’s Manitoba Health designated bloc of practice is sufficient. 

A physician’s Manitoba Health designated bloc of practice is determined by their College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba (CPSM) designated specialty. (Specialty Restricted Fee Codes – Eligibility) Certain other tariffs specifically indicate additional training or experience are required. Generally, claims for these services will not be paid until confirmation of the additional training/​experience has been acknowledged by Manitoba Health. 

Generally, the Shared Health CMO or designate confirms a physician’s training/​experience. Doctors Manitoba and Manitoba Health must agree in some cases which physicians are approved to claim a tariff. Additionally, certain tariffs, such as shortlist laboratory tests require the approval of CPSM through its Manitoba Quality Assurance Program (MANQAP).

It is important to obtain confirmation of the acceptability of your training/​experience, and submit this information to Manitoba Health before providing the service. It may be difficult to obtain payment for services provided prior to the effective date if your approval, especially if you intend to introduce a new service into your practice.

Is there a restricted tariff you believe you are eligible to bill?

Fill out the following form and send it back to PHHRP@​shareadhealthmb.​ca along with any relevant credentialing for approval.

Contact practiceadvice@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca for further advice or assistance with the approval process. 
Last updated
July 17, 2024