Submission of Claims — Six Month Deadline
Physicians and their billing staff should be aware that the deadline for submission of claims to Manitoba Health is six months from the date of service, as stated in the Physician’s Manual. You should do everything you can to avoid missing this deadline.
Extensions to this rule are limited and reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The following are examples of situations that may result in the time frame being extended: disasters (fire/flood), fraud, theft of computer or patient files, major computer problems and claims refused by Workers’ Compensation Board.
Extensions beyond six months are generally not granted for lost/misplaced claims or situations involving low volume or low dollar amount of claims.
Requests for claims submission beyond the six-month time frame should be sent by letter to the Claims Unit, Insured Benefits Branch at Your letter should outline the extenuating circumstances and include a contact phone number where you can be reached.
Claims rejected due to the six-month timeframe cannot be charged to the patient. A physician’s only recourse is to write-off the value of the claim as a bad debt. Most provinces have similar deadlines of six months from the date of service to claim submission. However, the deadline is only three months in Nova Scotia and Quebec.