
Group Coaching for Black, Indigenous or racialized women physicians (including learners)

Theme: Finding, Protecting, and Preserving Joy While Pursuing Radical Systems Change 

Led by: Marcia Anderson, MD, MPH, FRCPC and Certified Executive Coach (Royal Roads University) 


6:007:00 p.m. Socializing and Refreshments
7:00 — 8:30 p.m. Group Coaching Session 

May 23
June 20
August 29
September 26
October 17
November 21

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all sessions. Please register only if all dates work for your schedule.

Location: 20 Desjardins Drive, Winnipeg (DRMB main office) 


Submit your registration no later than May 9 (space is limited). Confirmations will be sent out by May 16

Format: In person, 8 – 12 participants. Each month will have one relevant reading, podcast or video by a Black, Indigenous or racialized woman to stimulate learning and reflection. After some time to settle in, group coaching will include large group discussion, pairing off/​triads where the participants coach each other (with direction and resources on how to do this), and individual action planning. There will also be some work to do between each session. 

Potential Monthly Themes:

  1. Radical and revolutionary joy 
  2. Potential Uses of Anger 
  3. Revolutionary love
  4. Resistance
  5. Boundaries and self-discipline 
  6. Self-compassion

This group coaching experience might be for you if:

  • Your identity and experience aligns with what is described here; 
  • You want to connect with others who have similar experiences and commitment to self and community; 
  • You are committed to preparing for each session, showing up to all sessions, and contributing in a way that supports individual and collective growth and action.

A message from Dr. Marcia Anderson:

What if the key to fixing burnout is to burn it all down?

We are not just in a health workforce crisis due to health systems structures that are creating outcomes that are not serving patients or the workforce optimally. We are in a confluence of crises, where multiple systems that harm people and oppress communities are colliding with counterforces trying to preserve the status quo including heteropatriarchy and racism and how these are enacted in the health care system. 

I know that I am not alone in choosing to work in a system that actively harms my personhood as a Cree-Anishinaabe woman in pursuit of change and in service to my relatives and communities who deserve to receive high quality, culturally safe and racially just care. I agreed to sustain some of this harm knowing it’s not fair, but I don’t agree to sustain harm beyond what I can buffer, recover from and still have joy in who I am and the life I live. This has taken (and will continue to take) active learning, support from others, and personal work.


For more information, please contact Trina Larsen at tlarsen@​doctorsmanitoba.​ca