
The College of Family Physicians of Canada Physician Wellness Retreat April 3 to 6 at Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge aims to provide family physicians an environment to learn and apply principles of physician wellness. The goal is to have this occur at both the individual and community levels by offering learning paths for both family physicians who desire to learn more about wellness, as well as family physician leaders in wellness.

Learning objectives:

  • Apply evidence-based strategies to enhance overall well-being by implementing physical, mental, and emotional wellness practices
  • Plan and implement effective wellness practices both in clinical settings and personal lives
  • Develop strategies to foster a culture of well-being within the workplace, sharing resources or materials with colleagues, and exploring collaborative wellness initiatives that can be implemented as a team

The Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management Inc. and Scotiabank together proudly support the CFPC Physician Wellness Retreat, one of several initiatives that comprise their 10-year, $115 million commitment to supporting the medical profession and advancing health in Canada.