
Doc360 supports the whole physician and their family members by providing the help you need when you need it. As a spouse or dependent of a medical learner, retired physician or an MLPIMG participant, a suite of support services through Doc360 is available to you at no cost. Click on the concern or type of support you’re looking for below to learn more about the services available to help you.

If you or a loved one needs immediate and urgent help, please call your local emergency number or 911.

Individual, Couples, or Family Counselling
  • Physicians at Risk (PAR) — Counselling: Confidential individual, couple, and group counselling by self-referral for medical learners, residents, practicing and retired physicians, MLPIMG participants, spouses, and dependents over 18 years old. Call (204) 237 8320, toll free at 1 – 844 – 433-DRMB (18444333762) or complete the online intake form.
  • Physicians and Family Support Program (PFSP): Confidential support, resources, and information for personal and work-life issues for you, your dependents, and anyone living in your household.
    Company ID: DRMBHealth
Substance Use
  • Physicians at Risk (PAR) — Counselling: Confidential individual, couple, and group counselling by self-referral for medical learners, residents, practicing and retired physicians, spouses, and dependents over 18 years old. Call (204) 237 8320.
Life Coaching, Diet and Nutrition or Financial Consultation and Education
Legal Support and Resources