Caring for Manitobans
Share these graphics and suggested copy on your own social platforms.

Physicians have never been more worried about our health care system. Record ER wait times. The massive backlog in testing and surgery. Over 150,000 people who can’t find a family doctor. More rural ER closures than ever before. The pandemic has certainly contributed to some of these challenges, but these were all issues before the pandemic ever started.
We are working with nurses and other health care workers, with health system leaders and the provincial government, to improve the health care system. Help us remind Manitobans that doctors are working tirelessly to care for them and to improve the health care system by sharing on social media.
We’ve got graphics, a YouTube video and suggested copy you can use to help spread awareness about the campaign.
Instagram Graphics
Graphic 1
Graphic 2
Stories Graphics
Graphic 1
Graphic 2
Suggested Copy for Social Media Posts
Doctors share a common goal with all Manitobans: better care for everyone. Visit to see how doctors are working to support Manitobans.
For Manitobans and Doctors across the province, better care matters. Learn how doctors are working to improve the health care system at
Every day, as Manitobans are working to build their best life, Doctors are working to ensure better care for everyone. Find out more at